WEC Le Mans

WEC Le Mans (arcade) 1986


First realistic road in 3D racing


Arcade system:  Konami Dual 68000 Based

WEC Le Mans arcade

Gameplay video

1) The game attempted to realistically simulate car driving, with the car jumping up and down, turning back and forth, and spinning up to 180 degrees, with an emphasis on acceleration, braking, and gear shifting, along with the need for counter-steering to avoid spin-outs.
2) Force feedback to simulate road vibration in the form of a vibrating steering wheel that reacts to the driver's acceleration and off-road bumps.
3) The game forbids the initials 'SEX' on the high score table. If you try, it gets changed to 'HHH'.
4) First realistic car crash in video games.

5) Emulated in: MAME

Site Developed from 2008-2014

Site Launched -2014, may

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